Works will be found under the author's name.

accent and stress, 251-58, 261, 270, 279

Achilles, 199

Adam and Eve, 42, 151, 152, 188-90, 194, 196, 199, 207, 211-13, 217, 220, 316, 319-21

Addison, Joseph, The Spectator, 261

Adler, Alfred, 214
Adonis, 118, 121, 153, 160, 189, 205, 296-97

Aeschylus, 215; Agamemnon, 217; Oresteia, 209; The Persians, 94, 289; Prometheus Bound, 222-23; The Suppliants, 283

aesthetics, 15, 1511, 26, 114-16, 308, 326, 341, 344"45> 349'5> 354 n
agon, 187, 192
alazon, 39, 40, 172, 176, 182, 217, 226-28
alchemy, 146, 14611, 157, 195
Aldhelm, 294
Alger, Horatio, 19, 45
allegory, 53, 54, 72, 89-91, 103, 116, 138, 201, 304, 306, 316, 341-42
ambiguity and association, 65, 72, 83, 272, 273, 275-78, 293-94, 334-
American Indians, 55, 332-33
Amory, Thomas, John Bunde, 312
Amos, 300
anagogic meaning, 72, 116-38, 12211, a 34> H5
anagnorisis (cogmtio, recognition, discovery), 41, 52, 163, 170, 180, 184, i86n, 187, 192, 212, 214, 218, 289, 291, 301-02, 316, 346; see also epiphany
ananke, 210
anatomy, 298, 308-14, 322, 325
Andreyev, Leonid, The Black Maskers, 291
Andromeda, 36, 196
Angelo, 165-67, 1710, 178
Angst, 37, 66, 213
antimasque, 171, 290
Apemantus, 176
apocalypse and apocalyptic symbolism, 119, 125, 139-46, 148, 151, *54-55> *57' fr l62 > l8 5> *9 l 194-95, 203-06, 292, 300, 315-17, 319-20, 323-24
Apollo and the Apollonian, 43, 214, 215, 292, 321
Apuleius, 152, 196, 234, 235, 309, 313, 322

Arabian Nights, 35, i86n, 193, 324

archetypes and archetypal criticism,
vii, 72, 95^ 99-112, 115-19, 121,
124, 134-35, 136-62, 184, i88n,
200, 203-04, 211-14, 220, 227,
293, 297, 304-05, 314-16, 321-22,
325, 341-42, 349, 353-54; arche
typal masque, 290-93

architectus, 174, 197, 216

Ariel, 152, 174

Arion, 152

Ariosto, Lodovico, 58, 90, 196, 204;
Orlando Furioso, 58

Aristophanes, 43-46, 65, 163, 174,
177, 215; The Acharnians, 163;
The Birds, 44, 169, 177; The
Clouds, 46; Ecclesiazusae, 169,
177; The Frogs, 21, 163; The
Knights, 183; Lysistrata, 202; The
Peace, 177; The Wasps, 169

Aristotle, 13, 14, 34, 38, 40, 41, 44,
65-67, 71, 72, 95, 123, 131, 156,

172, 206, 207, 210, 212, 243, 244,
255, 259, 292, 326, 326n, 332,

33 5 345^ 35 2 ; Ethics > 4> i? 2 ?

Physics, 126; Poetics, 14, 15, 1511,

33, 51, 52, 82, 124, 166, 245;

Rhetoric, 166, 352
Armstrong, Dr. John, The Art of

Preserving Health, 161
Arnold, Matthew, 3, 8-10, 12, 21-23,

100, 127, 156, i68n, 264, 347;

Thyrsis, 100, 257
Arthur, 145

Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists, 311
Athene, 157, 195, 201, 209, 320-22
Attis, 187



Auden, W. H., 280; Kairos and Log
os, 153

Augenblick, 61, 213

Augustine, St., 213, 235, 307, 315

aureate diction, 280

Austen, Jane, 53, 84, 114, 162, 304,
308, 309; Northanger Abbey, 306;
Pride and Prejudice, 49, 226;
Sense and Sensibility, 53

auto, 282-84, 287-92

babble, 275-78, 334

Babel, Tower of, 206, 354

Babylon, 189, 191, 317

Bach, J. S., 104; St. Matthew Pas
sion, 215

Bacon, Sir Francis, 15, 125, 161, 329;
Essays, 264

Balder, 36

ballad, 57, 251, 296

Balzac, Honore" de ; 39, 45

Barbizon school, 132

Bassanio, 166

Baudelaire, Charles, 238, 297; Fleurs
du Mai, 66

Beerbohm, Max, Zuleika Dobson, 87

Beethoven, Ludwig van, 133, 266,
275; Fifth Symphony, 133

Belch, Sir Toby, 175

Benson, Arthur; The Phoenix, 277

Bentham, Jeremy, 263

Beowulf, 36, 37, 186, 191, 198, 221

Bergson, Henri, 333, 335

Bernard of Clairvaux, 316

Bertram, 176, 180

Bible, 14, 34, 43, 54, 56, 76, 87, 96,
101, 108, 116, 125, 140, 141-46,
152, 181, 188-89, 194, 198, 214,
264, 294, 298, 314, 315-26; Old
Testament, 35, 55, 56, 156, 190,
199, 221, 315, 316, 322; New Tes
tament, 149, 150, 10,9, 315, 316,
329; see separate books

Blackmore, Sir Richard, 1 5

Blackmore, Richard, Lorna Doone,

Blacksmiths, The, 262

Blake, William, vii, 46, 60, 65, 77,
94, 119, 147, 151, 194, 270, 274,
299; The Book of Thel, 200; The
Four Zoos, 302; The Marriage of


Heaven and Hell, 298; The Mental
Traveller, 322-23

Blunderbore, 228

Boccaccio, Giovanni, 103; Decamer
on, 307

Boethius, 317; Consolation of Phi
losophy, 312

Borrow, George, 304, 313; Lavengro,

Boy Bishop, 152

Bradley, A. C., 8

Braque, Georges, 136

Bridges, Robert, 270

Britomart, 151

Britten, Benjamin, 136

Bronte, Charlotte, 17811, 306

Bronte, Emily, 304, 306; Wuthering
Heights, 39, 50, 101, 304

Browne, Sir Thomas, 145, 267; Re-
ligio Medici, 307; Urn Burial, 264,

Browning, Robert, 40, 226, 237, 255,
256, 269, 285; Caliban upon Sete-
bos, 226; Childe Roland, 149; The
Flight of the Duchess, 255; The
Heretic's Tragedy, 257; Red Cot
ton Nightcap Country, 262; The
Ring and the Book, 246; Sludge
the Medium, 231

Brunnhilde, 193

Buddha, 159

buffoon, 172-73, 175, 179, 197, 217,

Bunyan, John, 90, 114; Grace
Abounding, 307; The Holy War,
201; The Pilgrim's Progress, 53,

Burke, Edmund, 300

Burns, Robert, 22, 306; Holy Wil
lie's Prayer, 232, The Jolly Beggars,

2 57
Burton, Robert, 153, 230, 236, 266-

67, 311-12, 322; Anatomy of Mel
ancholy, 311

Busirane, 152

Butler, Samuel, 71 n, 230; The Ele
phant in the Moon, 231; Hudi-
bras, 231, 277

Butler, Samuel, 89, 154, 230, 308;
Erewhon, 154, 229, 231-32, 308;
The Fair Haven, 135; Life and

Habit, 1 54; The Way of All Flesh,
232, 308

Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 60;
Don Juan, 234

Calderon de la Barca, Pedro, 282

Caliban, 153, 165, 176

Calpurnius 7 295

Camoens, Luis de, Lusiad, 58

Campion, Thomas, 274

Capek, the brothers, 297

Carlyle, Thomas, 21, 92, 154, 236,
306, 328; Sartor Resartus, 88, 267,
303, 313, 325

Carroll, Lewis, Alice books, 225, 310

Gary, Joyce, The Horse's Mouth, 48

Cassandra, 218

Cassiodorus, 268

Cassirer, Ernst, 10, 350

Castell of Per sever aunce, 201, 291

Castiglione, Baldassare, 93, 166, 310

catachresis, 281

catharsis, 66-67, 93-94, 210, 215,
282, 284, 301, 326, 326n

Cecilia ode, St., 295

Celtic literature, 34, 55, 57, 58

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, Don
Quixote, 163, 180, 197, 223, 225,
229, 3*06, 313

C6zanne, Paul, 132, 134

chanting, 273-74

Chaplin, Charles, 42, 163, 228, 288;
The Great Dictator, 163

Chardin, Jean Sim6on, 132

charm, 278, 280, 295

Chaucer, Geoffrey, 22, 51, 96, 103,
162, 227, 228n, 231, 248, 252,
311; Canterbury Tales, 51, 201;
The Franklin's Tale, 202; The
Knight's Tale, 103, 219; The Leg
end of Good Women, 262; The
Man of Law's Tale, 49, 199; The
Miller's Tale, 114; The Monk's
Tale, 162, i86n, 212; The Parlia
ment of Fowls, 299; The Second
Nun's Tale, 114; The Wife of
Bath's Tale, 193

Chekhov, Anton, 178, 305; The
Three Sisters, 285

Chnier, Andre* de, 320

Chesterfield, Lord, 327


Chinese literature, 144, 156, 288, 297

chorus, 175, 218

Christianity, 12, 34, 35, 43, 64, 120,

126-27, 133, 142, 208-09, 212-13
Christmas, 159, 292
Chronicles, 325
Churchill, Sir Winston, 327
churl, 172, 175-76, 197, 218, 227
Cieero, 264, 268
Cinderella archetype, 44
Circe, 149, 157, 323
Classical mythology, 10, 19, 34, 35,

43>S4>57> 8 3> 1( ^ 120, iB 1 *^

l6l, 212, 268

Claudel, Paul, 293

Claudian; de Kaptu proserpinae, 49

Cleopatra, 237, 323

Clough, Arthur Hugh, 270

Cocteau, Jean, 138

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 8, 41, 72,

103, 125-27, 235, 326; Ghristflbel,

254; Kubla Khan, 145, 215, 302
Collins, Wilkie, The Woman in

White, 101
Collins, William, Ode on the Poeti?

col Character, 303
comedy (drama), 13, 40, 75, 112,

114, 117, 2.69, 282, 284-87, 289-

90, 297-98
comedy (mythos), 22, 35, 43-48, 54,

64-65, 105, 157, 162, 163-86, 193-

94, 198, 202, ?06-07, 210, 212-14,

218-19, 224, 226-27, 34
commentary, 86-91, 116, 125, 341-

4 2 ' 35
confession, 307-08, 312-14

Congreve, William, 48, 252,, 269-

Love for Love, 181
Conrad, Joseph, too, 140, 155,

237, 247, 267; Heart of Darkness,

40; Lord Jim, 39, 40, 237, 306;

Nostromo, 193
convention, 76, 95-105, 132, 134,

181, 202, 225, 247, 278, 281, 293
Cordelia, 38, 311, 316
Conn, 176

Corneille, Pierre, Le Cid, 283
cosmology, 160-62, 204, 214
Courtly Love, 63, 153, 297
Cowley, Abraham, 3157, 260; >ovz-

deis, 260

37 1


Crabbe, George, The Learned Boy,

230; The Patron, 227
Crashaw, Richard, 59, 257, 302; Mu-

sick's Duell, 257
Cupid and Psyche, 1 52.
culture, 3, 12, 115, 127, 344-49
Cummings, E. E., 278
Cursor Mundi, 57
cyclical symbolism, 158-62, 316-24,


Dadaism, 92

Daniel, 149, 150

danse macabre, 233, 297-98

Dante, 5, 10, 57, 64, 72, 76, 77, 85,
88, 90, 100, 116, 117, 121, 145,
152-53, 156, 161-62, 199, 205,
233, 316-17, 323; Commedia, 43,
57, 77, 160, 317; Inferno, 58, 147-
48, 150, 223, 239, 321; Paradiso,
45, 94, 124, 144, 185, 204; Purga-
torio, 117, 145, 198-200, 204

Darwin, Erasmus, The Loves of the
Plants, 161

David, 228, 295

decorum, 223, 268-71, 273

Defoe, Daniel, 34, 41, 50, 135, 304;
Journal of the Plague Year, 135;
Moll Flanders, 307

Degas, H.G.E., 114, 136

Dekker, Thomas, The Shoemaker's
Holiday, 175

Deloney, Thomas, 303

Demetrius and Lysander, 167

Democritus, 230

demonic symbolism, 139-40, 147-51,
154-58, 162, 178, 187, 226, 290;
demonic modulation, 156-57

Denham, John, 154

Deor, Complaint of, 237

De Quincey, Thomas, 267, 313

descriptive meaning, 73-82, 87, 92,
97, 116, 119, 123

determinism, 6

diagrams in thought, 335-37, 353

dialectic, 24-25, 286, 327, 329, 352

dianoia (theme, meaning), 52, 64,

73> 77-79* 8 3> 10 4-5 10 7> 11J >
11 in, 120, 136, 140, 158, 166, 243-
44, 246, 271, 280, 286-87


Dickens, Charles, 36, 37, 49, 50,
116, 134, 163, 167, 168, 198, 249;
Bleak House, 138; Dombey and
Son, 211; Great Expectations,
ijSn; Little Dorrit, 306; Oliver
Twist, 51

Dickinson, Emily, 27, 272, 299

diction, 244, 251

Dinadan, Sir, 197

Diogenes, 230, 300

Dionysos and the Dionysiac, 36, 43,
214, 292, 321

direct address, 4, 250

direct experience, 27-28, i88n, 344

displacement, 136-38, 155-56, 188,

dithyramb, 295, 302-03

doggerel, 5, 277

Donne, John, 12, 18, 258, 299; An
niversaries, 298; The Extasie, 143

doodle, 275, 278, 335

Dooley, Mr., 227

Dostoievsky, Feodor, Crime and
Punishment, 46; The Idiot, 48

Douglas, Gavin, 257

Dowland, John, 274

drama, 13, 107-09, 246-50, 262, 268-
70, 272, 282-93; see tragedy, com
edy, etc.

Dray ton, Michael, 66; Polyolbion,

dream, 57, 105-12, io5n, 118, 120,
137, 183-86, 193, 206, 215, 243,
250, 272, 277-78, 354

Dream of the Rood, 36, 316

Dreiser, Theodore, 80; An American
Tragedy, 49

Dryden, John, 10, 228, 252, 264,
265, 298; Absalom and Achitoph-
el, 322; Alexander's Feast, 279

Dunbar, William, 257; Ballat of our
Lady, 279; Flyting with Kennedy,

Duncan, 217

Easter, 159, 187, 292
ecstasis, 67, 93-94, 301, 326, 326n
Eddas, 54, 56, 306, 314, 317
Eden, 152, 157, 188, 189, 191, 194,

200, 204, 205
Edgar and Edmund, 216, 217

Egypt, 189, 190, 191, 194, 198, 205

Egyptian literature, 135, 143, 156,
226, 314, 317

eiron, 40, 172-75, 178, 195, 216,
226-28, 232, 299

elegiac, 36, 43, 296-97

Eliot, George, 312; Adam Bede, 199;
Silas Marner, 198

Eliot, T. S., 18, 19, 63, 65, 67, 80,
92, 98, 102, 269, 280, 324; Ash
Wednesday, 206, 21411, 294; The
Cocktail Party, 136, 174, 178, 270;
The Confidential Clerk, 136, 170;
Four Quartets, 122, 153, 206, 301,
316, 321; The Function of Criti
cism, 18-19; Gerontion, 351; The
Hollow Men, 206; Marina, 302;
Sweeney Agonistes, 279; Sweeney
among the Nightingales, 102; The
Waste Land, 61, 149, 160, 206,

3 2 3
Elizabeth I, 153, 284

emblem, 274, 300-01
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 235
encyclopaedic form, 55-58, 60-61,

120, 227, 311, 313, 315-26
epic, 12, 22, 54, 56, 246, 248, 304,

314, 315-26, 3 i 7 n
epigram, 54, 262, 269, 297-98, 329
epiphany, 61, 121-22, 208, 215, 292-
95, 298, 316, 321, 326; point of
epiphany, 203-06, 2i4n, 237, 299,
321, 324; point of demonic epiph
any, 223, 238, 239
episodic forms, 55-57, 60-61, 293-

303, 3 2 4
epitaph, 296-97
epithalamium, 295, 318, 324
epos, 248-50, 251-62, 263, 265, 269-

72, 274, 293-303, 320, 324
epyllion, 324
Erasmus, Desiderius, 227, 230-32,

308, 310-11
Eros, 181, 205
Esdras, 91
essay, 3, 53, 54, 307
ethos, 52, 73, 120, 243-44, 269, 286
euphuism, 264-65, 267
Euripides, 51, 170, 198, 284; Akes-

tis, 136, 219; Hippolytus, 216;

Ion, 51, 136; Iphigeneia in Aulis,


220; Iphigeneia in Tauris, 109
Everyman, 290

existential projection, 63-65, 139, 211
Exodus, 191, 325
Ezekiel, 146, 149, 191

Fabian Society, 63

Falstaff, 19, 45, 165, 175, 183, 284,

, 351

farce, 107, 290, 292

Faulkner, William, The Sound and

the Fury, 98, 238
fiction (genre), 248-50, 269, 278;

prose fiction, 13-14, 40, 80, 303-

14, 320
fictional literature, 33-52, 53, 63, 75,

107, 134,136, 138,154,277,293,


Fielding, Henry, 48, 50, 53, 304;
Jonathan Wild, 223, 228; Tom
Jones, 51, 53, 71, 167, 172, 178,
179, 181, 248, 306, 309

Firbank, Ronald, i73n

Flaubert, Gustave, 61, 278; Bouvard
et Pecuchet, 311; Madame Bovary,
39, 224, 314; Salammbo, 149-50

Fletcher, Phineas, The Purple Island,

Florimell and Marinell, 153

flyting, 223, 278-79

form, 82-94, ^ 2n > 95~9^> 13L1 11 5"
16, 119, 131, 341

Forster, E. M., 168

Fort, Charles, 231

Franklin, Benjamin, Poor Richartfs
Almanac f 227

Frazer, Sir James, 10, 108-09, 148,
193, 20 3n; The Golden Bough,

Freud, Sigmund, and Freudian criti
cism, 6, 10, 72, 111, 193, 214,

27 6 -7 8 > 353
Fry, Christopher, 269; The Lady's

Not for Burning, 174, 178
Fuller, Thomas, 75

Galahad, Sir, 151, 196
Galen, 13

Gardens of Adonis, 1 52, 205
Gawain, Sir, 196



Gay, John, The Beggar's Opera, 178,


Genesis, 42, 125, 145, 149, 191, 192
genre, 13, 95-99, in, 246-326
Geoffrey of Monmouth, 214, 222
George, St., 137, 189, 192, 194, 195,

3 1 7
George, Stefan, 63

Gethsemane, 213

Gibbon, Edward, 75, 85, 265

Gilbert, Stuart, 266

Gilbert, William S., The Mikado,

46, 109

Gilgamesrr epic, 317
Gloucester, 175, 223
Goethe, J. W. von, 65, 90, 283;

Faust, 60, 117, 120, 127, 198, 293,

321, 323
Goldsmith, Oliver, 48, 88; The Vicar

of Wakefield, 171
Goliardic satirists, 57
Goliath, 228, 236
Gospels, 27, 149
Gothic romances, 40, 185, 186
Gower, John, 57
Goya, Francisco, 132
gracioso, 173, i73n
Grail romances, 58, 151, 194, 196,

2 1 ?
grammar, 244-45, 331-35

Graves, Robert, The White Goddess,


Gray, Thomas, 257
Greek Anthology, 296
Greene, Graham, 48
Greene, Robert, 182; Friar Bacon,

194; Pandosto f 214
Griselda, 219

hamartia, 36, 38, 41, 162, 210, 213

Hardy, Thomas, 19, 64, 100, 125,
140, 147, 155, 237, 298; The Dy
nasts, 237; Far from the Madding
Crowd, 199; Jude the Obscure,
222; Tess of the D'Urbervittes, 38,
41, 219

Hasek, Jaroslav, The Good Soldier
Schweik, 48

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 19, 90, 117,
138, 140, 154, 196, 305; The
Blithedale Romance, 202; The


House of the Seven Gables, 306;
The Marble Faun, 101, 137-39,
150; The Scarlet Letter, 41, 92

Hazlitt, William, 8

Heep, Uriah, 134

Hegel, G. W, F., 1511, 18, 212, 213

Helena, 180, 183

Hemingway, Ernest, For Whom the
Bell Tolls, 98

Hephaistos, 193

Herbert, George, 59, 257, 294, 299;
The Altar, 274; Easter Wings,
274; The Pulley, 300

Hercules, 36, 43, 206, 317

Hermione, 138, 183, 219

Herod, 191, 199

Herodas, 285

Herrick, Robert, 299-301

Hesiod, 57, 317

high mimetic, 34, 37-38, 43-44, 50-*
51, 58-59, 62-65, 116, 138, 151,
153, 270, 318-19

historical criticism, 24, 343-46

history of taste, 9, 18, 25

history-play, 283-84, 289

Hogarth, William; The Rake's Prog
ress, 274

Hogg, James, Confessions of a Justi
fied Sinner, 312

Homer, 52, 53, 56, 57, 63, 96, 156,
210, 231, 248, 259, 318, 320, 341;;
Hymns, 294; Iliad, 142, 219, 246",
248, 318, 3iq; Odyssey, 52, 159,
248, 313, 318, 319, 321, 322

Hooker, Richard, 119

Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 151, 154,
263, 272, 294, 297

Horace, 65, 292, 299; Carmen Saecu-
lore, 295; Regulus ode, 296

Hosea, 193

Housman, A. E., 125, 147, 298

Hudson, W. H., 196; Green Man
sions, 101, 200

Hugo, Victor, 65, 302; Hernani, 283;
Leepndes des Siecles, 320

Hulme, T. E,, 326

humanities, study of, 3, 126, 333,
34^' 349

Hume, David, 85

humors, 168-69, 226-27, 285, 287,
290, 312

Huxley, Aldous, 17311, 230, 308, 310;
Brave New World, 231, 308;
Chrome Yellow, 179; Point Coun
terpoint, 308

Huxley, Thomas Henry, 18, 154, 155

Huysmans, Joris Karl, A Rebours,
63, 186

hybris, 36, 210, 213, 218, 282

hymn, 257, 294-95

lago, 216, 351

Ibsen, Henrik, 5, 90, 135; Brand, 39;
Emperor and Galilean, 5; Ghosts,
181; Little Eyolf, 181, 220; Peer
Gynt, 5, 117, 195, 293; When We
Dead Awaken, 206; The WiZd
Duck, 180

ideogram, 123, 275, 333

idyllic, 43

image and imagery, 84-86, 91-92, 99,
103, 123, 158, 244, 246, 274, 281;
imagism, 274

Imogen (Fidele), 138, 183

induction, 7, 15-16

ingenu, 232

initiative, 246, 271, 275, 277-78, 293

inscape, 121

intention, 86-87, 86n, 89, 112-13,

Iphigeneia, 211, 220

Irish literature, 269, 324

ironic mode, 34, 40-49, 52, 60-66,

81, 116, 134-35, i3 8 > M 8 > 1 5 1

irony (mythos), 105, 140, 176-77,

192,, 210-25, 219, 221, 223-39,

285-89, 297

Isaiah, 56, 145, 201, 236, 342
Isis, 201, 322

Jacob, 193, 204

James, Henry, 19, 50, 92, 117, 154,
267, 304, 308, 311, 330; The Al
tar of the Dead, 42-43; Daisy Mil
ler, 38; The Other House, 101;
The Sacred Fount, 180; The Sense
of the Past, 190; The Spoils of
Poynton, 155; The Turn of the
Screw, 202

Jannequin, Clement, 266

Japanese drama and lyric, 283, 297


jargon, 328, 330-31

Jeans, Sir James, The Mysterious
Universe, 352

Jephthah's daughter, 220

Jesuit poetry, 59

Jesus Christ, 36, 42, 102, 121, 122,
126, 141, 189-91, 194-95, 199,
205-08, 211, 213, 215, 232, 282,
292, 293, 300, 316, 318, 320, 325;
see Messiah

Job, Book of, 42, 140, 142, 189, 292,
316, 324, 325

Johnson, Samuel, 8, 67, 257-60, 270,
327; Rasselas, 200

Jonah, 190

Jonson, Ben, 48, 58, 84, 164, 168,
231, 290; The Alchemist, 174,
178, 180, 228; Every Man in His
Humour, 174; The Silent Woman,
168; Volpone, 45, 165, 175

Joshua, 191, 205

Joyce, James, 42, 48, 61, 62, 117,
121, 122, 236, 266, 278, 313, 323,
325, 3154; Dubliners, 307; Finhe-
gansWake, 61, 62, 236, 277, 313-
14, 321, 323, 354; Portrait, 77,
249, 308; Ulysses, 222, 266, 313-

*4 3 2 3
Jung, C. G., and Jungian criticism,

6, 72, 108, 111, i46n, i92n 7 193,

i 9 8n, 214, 277, 291
Juno, 142
Juvenal, 229

Kafka, Franz, 42, 138; In the Penal
Colony, 238; The Trial, 42

Kalevala, 56

Kant, Immanuel, i5n, i22n

katabasis (nekyia), 321

kataplous, 233

Katharina, 172

Keats, John, 4, 60, 256; Endymion,
151, 160, 200, 205, 321; Hyperion,
59, 262, 321; Ode on a Grecian
Urn, 257, 301

kenning, 81, 280

Kierkegaard, S0ren, 115; Either/Or,
115, 313; Repetition, 345

Kingsley, Charles, 36; The Water-
Babies, 310


Kipling, Rudyard, The Jungle Book,

knittelvers, 277

Koran, 55, 56, 294
Korzybsky, Alfred, 350

Lamb, Charles, 8
Lancelot, Sir, 180, 196, 197
Landor, Walter Savage, Imaginary

Conversations, 310
Langland, William, 318
language, 74, 331-37
La timer, Hugh, 327
Lawes, Henry, 274
Lawrence, D. H., i45n, 232
Lenin, Nikolai, 349
Leontes, 184
Lethe, 153, 200

leviathan, i44n, 189-92, 194, 292
Lewis, C. S., 117
Lewis, Wyndham, i88n, 267; Men

Without Art, 267
lexis, 244-45, 271, 282
liberal education, 3, 15, 114, 121,

148, 156, 347-49
Lilliputians, 277
Lincoln, Abraham, 327
Lindsay, Vachel, The Congo, 279
literal meaning, 76-82, 92, 97, 116,

literature, 8, 13, 17-19, 62, 74, 79,


Lodge, Thomas, Wits Miserie, 227
logic, 244-45, 329, 331-37, 350-51

LogOS, 120-21, 126, 134

Loki, 36

Longfellow, Henry W., Hiawatha,

Longinus, 66-67, 326,

low mimetic, 34, 38, 42, 44-45, 49-

52, 58-60, 63, 65, 96, no, 116,

124, 137-38, 151, 154-55, 270,

272, 281, 320-21, 324
Lowell, James Russell, 281; Biglow

Papers, 227
Lucian, 230, 231, 308, 309; Kata-

plous, 233; Sale of Lives, 230;

True History, 235
Lucifer, 212
Lucretius, 85, 323

Lydgate, John, i86n, 252-55, 318;

Danse Macabre, 252
Lyly, John, 182; Campaspe, 230
lyric, 246-47, 249-50, 262, 270-81,


Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 85,


Machiavellian villain, 216

MacLeish, Archibald, Ars Poetica, 5

Macrobius, Saturnalia, 311

madrigal, 273-74

Maeterlinck, Maurice, 290-91

Mahabharata, 56, 317

malcontent, 176, 230

Mallarm6, Stephane, 61, 63, 80, 87,
92, 122; Coup de Des, 264

Malory, Sir Thomas, 57, 197

Malvolio, 165, 167, 176

Mammon, Sir Epicure, 180, 228

Manet, Edouard, 132, 136

Mankynd, 291

Mann, Thomas, no

Mansfield, Katharine, 305

Marlowe, Christopher, 284; Faustus,
39, 222, 292; The Jew of Malta,
222; Tamburlaine, 39, 208, 216,

Marston, John, 176, 236

Marvell, Andrew, 144, 301; The Gar
den, 85, 144; Ode on Cromwell,

Marx, Karl, and Marxist criticism, 6,
12,72, 113, 127, 343, 346

Masaccio, 132

masque, 13, 107, 164, 171, 282, 287-

93> 3 01
Matelda, 151
mathematics, 16, 76, 93, 287, 329,

333* 35-S4> 354 n

Maturin, Charles Robert, Melmoth
the Wanderer, 312

medieval art and criticism, 34-35, 51,
57, 62-63, 72, 100, 115-16, 142,
152, 160, 203, 227, 282, 341, 343

Medusa, 196

melodrama, 40, 47, 167

melos, 244, 255-57, 262-63, 266-67,
270, 275, 278-79, 325-26, 328

Melville, Herman, 19, 117, 304; Bil
ly Budd, 41; Moby Dick, 92, 100,

155^ 2 3 6 > 34> 3*3; Pierre, 39,

200, 237

Menander, 43, 51, 163, 170, 171,
178, 181, 183

Menippus, 230, 309, 310; Menip-
pean satire, 14, 309-12; see anat

Mercury, 43

Mercutio, 37

Meredith, George, 304; The Egoist,
304; Love in the Valley, 254

Merlin, 195

Messiah, 55, 189-92, 205, 295, 316-
17, 321, 342

metamorphosis, 144

metaphor, 72, 89, 91, 123-25, 136-
39, 141-44, 150-51, 158, 188-89,
191, 267, 281, 332, 334-37, 352-

54, 353*
metaphysical poetry, 59, 91-92, 204,

257, 281, 299

metre, 56, 246, 248, 251-62, 263-64,
269-72, 324

Micawber, Wilkins, 168, 169, 173

Michael, 191, 213, 320, 321

Middle Comedy, 164, 175

Middleton, Thomas, A Trick to
Catch the Old One, 175

miles gloriosus, 39, 40, 165, 172

Mill, James, Essay on Government,

Mill, John Stuart, 5, 249, 308; Essay
on Liberty, 348-49

Milton, John, 18, 23-25, 83, 91, 94-
98, 101, 121, 152, 161, 211-13,
228, 232, 247, 248, 257, 261, 263,
274, 318, 320, 323, 324; Areopa-
gitica, 327, 348-49; Comus, 64,
149-53, 201 > 2 95> 2 9> 2 9 2 ; L'Al-
legro and II Penseroso, 66, 81, 301;
Lycidas, 67, 97, 100-02, 121-22,
324; Nativity Ode, 153, 342; Para
dise Lost, 58, 160, 191, 200, 204,
211, 216-18, 247-48, 320-21, 324;
Paradise Regained, 96, 191, 205;
prose works, 142, 266, 267; Sam-
son Agonistes, 67, 207, 215, 220,
221, 223

mime, 285-86, 297

mimesis (imitation), 82-84, 93, 95,


97, 113, 119, 131, 148, 214-15,

250, 269, 285, 289, 301
Minotaur, 190
Miranda, 151

Mirror for Magistrates, 30, i86n
Mohammedanism, 35
moira, 210
Moliere, 48, 112, 163, 167-68; Le

Malade Imaginaire, 112, 114; Le

Misanthrope, 167, 218; Tartuffe,

40,45, 176, 179, 181
monad, 121
Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de, 53,

2 3 2 > 37

Montgomery, Robert, 4
Moore, Marianne, Camellia Sabina,


Moore, Sturge, 93
morality play, 1 3, 90, 290-91
More, St. Thomas, Utopia, 233
Morris, William, 154, 202, 267, 270,

305, 306; The Earthly Paradise,

203; The Sundering Flood, 200
Moses, 51, 146, 190-91, 198-99, 204-

5> 35

motif, 74, 77, 82

movie, 13, 107, 164, 179, 288-89
Mozart, W. A., 290, 343, 344; Don

Giovanni, 173, 289; Figaro, 173,

181, 289; Jupiter Symphony, 133;

The Magic Flute, 145
Murasaki, Lady, Tale of Genji, i86n,

3 2 4

Muny, Middleton, 19

Muspilli, 317

myth and the mythical mode, vii, 33,
35-36, 42-43, 48-49, 52, 54, 62,
64-65, 72, 75, 106-10, 116-18, 120-

21, 134-239, 270, 282, 294-96,

300, 306, 315, 317, 325-26, 341,

mythoi (generic narratives), 140,

mythos (plot, narrative, etc.), 52-53,

73 77' 79' 8z - 8 3> 10 4-7> *3 6 >
171, 243-44, 2 7*> 285-86, 310,
316, 341

naive, 35, 37-38, 103-04, 107, 109,

Napoleon, no, 237



Nashe, Thomas, 227, 231, 236; 281;

Pierce Penilesse, 227
naturalism, 42, 49, 79, 80, 116, 136
Nebuchadnezzar, 149, 354
nemesis, 209, 213, 216
neo-classical art and criticism, 83,

116, 154

New Comedy, 43-45, 163, 215
new criticism, 66, 82, 82n, 86, 116,

140, 273, 334
Newman, John Henry Cardinal, 10;

Apologia, 307
New Yorker, 87, i73n
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 62, 99, 207,

214, 232, 302, 346; Ecce Homo,

99; Also Sprach Zarathustra, 155,

214, 2i4n
North, Christopher, Nodes Ambrosi-

anae r 312
novel, 13, 247, 303-14, 322

Oberon, 174

O'Casey, Sean, 269; Juno and the

Pay cock, 163
Octavia, 219
Oedipus, 107, 137, 181, 193, 353;

see Sophocles
O. Henry, 268

Old Comedy, 43-45, 164, 250
omens, 139
Omphale, 228

O'Neill, Eugene, The Hairy Ape, 238
onomatopoeia, 258-62
opera, 13, 107, 282-83, 288-89
Ophelia, 217
opsis, 244, 258-59, 262-63, 267-68,

270, 275, 278, 280, 326
oracles and oracular poetry, 55-56,

81, 260, 271-72, 277-78, 293-94,

298, 302, 31 6, 324, 353
oratorio, 283

Orpheus, 36, 55, 121, 148, 192
Orwell, George, 1984, 238, 331
Osiris, 192, 317
Ossian, 303
ouroboros, 150, 157
Ovid, 54, 63, 98, 317
Owl and the Nightingale, The, 299

Palestrina, 344
panegyric, 295-96, 327


parable, 53, 56, 300, 324-25

Paracelsus, 235

parasite, 166, 168, 175

parody, 103, 147-50, 157, 177, 184,

202, 223, 233-35, 238, 277, 313,

Parolles, 165

paronomasia, 65, 276, 332
Pascal, Blaise, 326
Passion, 36, 178, 220, 221
pastoral, 43, 99-101, 143-44, 152,

176, 296-97, 301
pastourelle, 299
Pater, Walter, 238, 267, 272
pathos, 38-39, 217
pathos, 187, 192
Paul, St., 125
Peacock, Thomas Love, 230, 309,

310, 312

Pearl, The, 277, 294
Peele, George, 182; The Arraignment

of Paris, 284

Penelope, 318, 322, 323
Perseus, 51, 137, 189, 195, 198, 199
Petrarch, Francesco, 299
Petronius, 235, 309-10; Satyricon,

philosophy, 329-31, 337; philosophus

gloriosus, 39, 173, 229-31
pharmakos, 41, 45, 148-49
picaresque novel, 45, 310
Picasso, Pablo, 344
Pindaric ode, 257, 295
Pirandello, Luigi, 291
plain dealer, 176, 178, 218
Plato, 108, 111, 182, 231, 243, 286,

310, 326, 329, 345, 346, 354;

Apology, 46, 211; Cratylus, 65;

Euthydemus, 286; Ion, 65; Laws,

286; Phaedrus, 65; Republic, 65,

113, 143, 182, 346; Symposium,

63, 65, 289; Platonism, 59, 64,

113, 127
Plautus, 43, 163-65, 174, 178; Casi-

na, 167; Rudens, 191
Podsnap, 347
Poe, Edgar Allan, 116, 139, 140, 243,

276, 277, 305, 326; The Bells,

279; Eleanora, 200; Eureka, 161;

The Gold Bug, 204, 2c4n; Ligeia,

139; The Poetic Principle, 243,
272, 273, 278; The Raven, 278

poetic etymology, 277, 334

poetics, 14, 22, 71, 132

Polonius, 174-75

Polyphemus, 148, 172, 228

Pope, Alexander, 96, 168, 225, 226,
252, 256, 258-61, 298; The Dun-
dad, 238; Essay on Criticism, 78,
258, 261 n; Essay on Man, 85; The
Messiah, 257; The Rape of the
Lock, 183, 256

popular art and literature, 4, 104,
108, 116-17, 251, 276

Portia, 174, 182

poulterer's measure, 263

Pound, Ezra, 80, 123, 136, 244, 272,
275, 326, 349^ Cantos, 61, 272,

prayer, 249, 294

primitive art and literature, 17, 104,
108, 116-17, 135, 282

proairesis, 210, 212

Prometheus, 42, 62, 145, 155, 157,
207, 321, 334; sec Aeschylus

Promised Land, 191, 194, 204

prose, 13, 71, 79-80, 123, 250, 263-
68, 2.69-72, 277-78, 293-303, 303-
314, 324-35, 326-37

Proserpine, 138, 153, 160, 183

Prospero, 44, 151, 157, 174, 180, 195,
199, 238

Proust, Marcel, 61, i22n, 266, 313,

3 21 > 333
proverb (aphorism), 56, 298, 324

Psalms, 76, 99, 294, 295
Ptolemaic universe, 161, 204, 206
public critic, 8, 10-11
Puck, 153, 173, 174
Purcell, Henry, 136
Pygmalion, 138
Pythagoras, 352

quantity, 251, 258, 262
quest, 187-90, 192-96, 200, 215, 220,

Suilp, Daniel, 134
uintilian, 311

Rabelais, Francois, 230, 232-36, 266,
308-13, 322, 325


Racine, Jean, 37, 95; Athalie, 219,

221; Esther, 207, 222
Ramayana, 56
Raphael, 151, 213, 320
realism, 42, 49, 80, 131, 134-40, 162,

166, 197, 285, 314
religion, 19, 24, 125-28, 231-32, 337
Renaissance, 13, 16, 34, 44, 58, 59,

84, 92, 101, 116, 131, 160, 165,

166, 172, 175, 186, 196, 208, 273,

283, 288, 310, 341
repetition, 168, i68n, 327-31, 345-

Revelation, Book of, 108, 141, 144,

146, 149-50, 189
Reynard the Fox, 229
rhetoric, 21-22, 24, 61, 7 in, 72, 95,

166, 244-47, 2 58-60, 262, 264-67,

269, 271, 277, 280, 294, 326-37,

Richardson, Samuel, 116; Clarissa,

39; Pamela, 44, 183, 313
riddle, 81, 280, 300
Rilke, Rainer Maria, 61, 6 in, 62, 63,

80, 122, 301, 302
Rimbaud, Jean Arthur, 61, 62, 80,

302; Saison en Enfer, 303
ritual, vii, 55, 72, 105-09, 112, 117-

20, 148, 163, 165, 171, 183, 189,

193, 215, 243, 250, 272, 343
Robin Hood, 196
Robinson, E. A., 152
Rochester, Lord, 114
Rogers, Will, 227
Roland, 36
romance (mode), 33, 36-37, 43, 49-

51, 58, 64-65, 116, 136-37, 151,

154, 211, 270, 272, 301
romance (mythos) t 107-08, 117,

162, 177, 182, 185, 186-203, 206,

214-16, 219, 223, 225, 235, 237,

306, 316-18
romance (prose fiction), 304-07,

308-09, 324

Romantic agony, 60, 1 57
Romanticism, 4, 23, 25, 35, 56, 60,

63, 80, 89, 96, no, 114, 157, 247,

272, 306
romantic stylizing, 49, 136, 139-40,

Romaunt of the Rose, 56



Ros, Amanda, 329

Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 60, 307,

353-54; Smile, 308
Ruskin, John, 9, 10, 36, 93, 114,

154, 267, 328; The King of the

Golden River, 198; The Queen of

the Air, 341

Sade, Marquis de, 114

Sagas, 58, 306

Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin, 8

Sakuntala, 171, 191

Sam Slick, 227

Sandburg, Carl, 200

Satan, 189, 191, 205, 206, 212, 218,

238, 239, 320
satire, 22, 54, 56, 63, 127, 156, 162,

166, 177, 192, 206, 223-39, 2 97*

98, 309-14, 322
Saturnalia, 171
Scarlatti, D., 279
Schelling, F. W. J. von, 337
Schiller, Friedrich, 35, 211, 218, 283
science, 7, 8, 15-17, 19, 231, 243,

2 77> 337^ 354
science fiction, 49, 203

Scott, Sir Walter, 302, 305, 306;
Ivanhoe, 101; St. Ronan's Well,
173; Waverley, 306

scriptural form, 56, 120, 248, 314,

Scrooge, Ebenezer, 277

Seneca, 222

"sentimental," 35, 37

sermon, 249, 296, 326

Shakespeare, William, 4, 5, 8, 20,
21, 23, 24, 37, 44, 52, 58, 86-
88, 91, 94-96, 100, 108, 111, 116-
17, 144, 149, 152, 164, 166, 169,
173, 174, 208, 210, 236, 247, 257,
262, 263, 286, 290, 297, 323, 328,
345; All's Well, 176, 179, 180,
183, 218; Antony and Cleopatra,
51, 218, 236, 237, 292; As You
Like it, 163, 176, 182, 218; Com
edy of Errors, 166, 175, 179, 184,
185; Coriolanus, 237; Cymbeline,
138, 183, 207, 219; Hamlet, 6, 9,
10, 39, 67, 76, 84, 87, 89, 140,
148, 175, 207, 208, 211, 212, 218,
236, 237, 284, 292, 342, 351;


Henry V, 221, 284, 328; Henry
VIII, 236; Julius Caesar, 45; King
John, 217; King Lear, 38, 88, 94,

175, 211, 212, 215, 2l6, 2l8, 222,

223, 237, 262, 302; Love's Labor's
Lost, 169, 183; Macbeth, 85, 88,
94, 208, 211, 212, 213, 223, 284,
292; Measure for Measure, 174,
178, 183, 185, 271; The Merchant
of Venice, 45, 165, 182; The Mer
ry Wives of Windsor, 165, 167,
175, 182, 183; A Midsummer
Night's Dream, 66, 166, 182, 287;
Much Ado, 49, 138, 173, 183;
Othello, 9, 38, 39, 210, 211, 216,
236, 237, 328, 351; Pericles, 179,

183, 184, 185, 201, 202, 289; The
Phoenix and the Turtle, 143; Rich
ard II, 21 7, 284; Richard III, 284;
Romeo and Juliet, 37, 216, 220,
222; Sonnets, 98, 281, 298; The
Taming of the Shrew, 164, 172,
173; The Tempest, 21, 44, 64,
117, 151, 174, 176, 184, 185, 191,
202, 286, 287, 290; Timon of
Athens, 221; Titus Andronicus,
207, 222, 223, 292; Troilus and
Cressida, 214, 225; Twelfth Night,

184, 185; The Two Gentlemen of
Verona, 117, 182; Venus and Ado
nis, 36; The Winter's Tale, 117,
138, 181, 182, 183, 184, 214, 219

Shaw, George Bernard, 23, 48, 63,
64, 135, 154, 163, 250, 263, 269,
286; Back to Methuselah, 287;
Getting Married, 286; Heartbreak
House, 178; King Charles, 287;
Major Barbara, 170; Man and Su
perman, 287; The Quintessence of
Ibsenism, 286; Saint Joan, 220,

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 12, 18, i8n,
23, 24, 26, 60, 65, 100, 147, 155,
157, 322; Adonais, 121; Epipsy-
chidion, 151, 246; Ode to the
West Wind, 246, 302; Ozyman-
dias, 1 50; Prometheus Unbound,
321; The Revolt of Islam, i 57, 205

Shylock, 45, 148, 166, 169, 176, 178

Sidney, Sir Philip, 58, 62, 303; Apol
ogy, 58, 62, 76; Arcadia, 100

Siegfried and Siegmund, 193, 219

sign, 73, 78-79, 102, 300, 335, 353

Sisyphus, 259

Sitwell, Dame Edith, 14411, 324

Skelton, John, 257, 279; The Gar
land of Laurell, 279, 280; Philip
Sparowe, 253

Sly, Christopher, 184

Smart, Christopher, 302; Jubilate Ag-
no, 276; Song to David, 257

Smiles, Samuel, 45

Smollett, Tobias, Humphry Clinker,

Socrates, 40, 46, 286

Sodom, 317

Solveig, 195, 322

Song of Songs, 152, 193, 316

Sophocles, 95, 111, 139, 158; Ajax,
157, 208, 216, 289; Antigone, 148,
212, 218; Oedipus at Co/onus,
218, 221; Oedipus Tyrannus, 95,
111, 168, 209, 212, 219, 222; Phi-
loctetes, 207, 220

Southey, Robert, 257, 318; The Doc
tor, 312; Thalaba, 257

Southwell, Robert, 145, 146

sparagmos, 148, 192-93, 222

Spengler, Oswald, 160, 343

Spenser, Edmund, 10, 90, 117, 149,
151-54, 194-97, 22 9> 2 5 8 > 26l >
263, 277, 317, 323; Epithalamion,
324; The Faerie Queene, vii, 58,
64, 90-91, 100-101, 138, 144, 148,
149, 151, 194, 195, 200-205, 2 58~
61, 318, 324; Mutabilitie Cantoes,
140, 204, 299; Shepheards Calen
der, 62, 99, 260

Spinoza, Baruch, 329, 335

sprezzatura, 93-94

Stein, Gertrude, 266, 329

Steinbeck, John, The Grapes of
Wrath, 53, 98; Of Mice and Men,

Stendhal, 45

Sterne, Laurence, 266, 312, 322;
Tristram. Shandy, 234, 267, 303,
312, 313, 3^5

Stevens, Wallace, i44n

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, Uncle Tom's
Cabin, 38, 39, 53, 199

Strindberg, August, 291


Struldbrugs, 235

style, 75, 93, 115, 267-69, 273, 303,


suppliant, 217
Surrey, Earl of, 257
Sutherland, Graham, 136
Swift, Jonathan, 39, 229-32, 235,

309, 311, 322; Gulliver's Travels,

14,' 87, 231, 233, 235, 236, 303,

308, 313, 321; A Modest Proposal,

224; A Tale of a Tub, 234, 325;

poems, 298
Swinburne, Algernon C., 147, 302,

symbol and symbolism, vii, 71-122,

243, 300, 316, 333; see image,

archetype, etc.
symbolisme, 60, 63, 80, 81, 92, 116,

274, 300
symposium, 59, 63, 143, 286-87, 310-


Synge, John Millington, 269; The
Playboy of the Western World,
40; Riders to the Sea, 168

Tasso, Torquato, 90, 149; Jerusalem

Delivered, 58

Taylor, Jeremy, 265, 267, 268
Teiresias, 216, 218, 323
Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 18, 37, 112,

114, 152, 255, 256, 268, 277; Oe-

none, 255, 258; The Passing of

Arthur, 37
Terence, 43, 163-67, 178; Adelphoi,

169, 181; Eunuchus, 181
texture, 72, 82, 334, 341
Thackeray, William M., Vanity Fair,


Thames, 154, 323
thematic literature, 52-62, 66-67,

107, no, 116, 136, 138, 154, 293,


Theocritus, 99, 101, 121
Thersites, 176, 225, 230
Theseus, 183, 190
Thomas Aquinas, St., and Thomist

criticism, 6, 72, 85, 329
Thoreau, Henry David, 237
Thurber, James, The Thirteen

Clocks, 193
Tintern Abbey, 154


Toby, Uncle, 227

Tolstoy, Leo, 4, 237, 311; Anna Ka-

renina, 139; Resurrection, 140;

War and Peace, 237
topoi, 103

Towneley cycle, 282, 292
Tractatus Coislinianus, 166, 169
tragedy (drama), 13, 37, 75, 94-95,

117, 147, 164-65, 176, 269, 282,

283-85, 289, 292, 297, 326
tragedy (mythos), 22, 35-42, 54, 64-

65, 95, 105, 148-50, 157, 160, 192,

198, 206-23, 236-37, 239, 304
Traherne, Thomas, Centuries of

Meditation, 302
Trinity, 36, 142
Trollope, Anthony, 305, 307
Trophonius, Cave of, 353
Trotwood, Betsey, 227
Troy, 214, 218, 318
Twain, Mark, Huckleberry Finn,

157, 180, 259; Tom Sawyer, 190,

typology, vii, 14, 191, 204, 315-10

Udall, Nicholas, Ralph Roister Dots-

ter, 173
Ulysses (Odysseus), 214, 319, 320,

rr 334
Una, 194

Upanishads, 124, 143, 329
Urquhart, Sir Thomas, 236

Vatery, Paul, 80, 122
value-judgements, 18-29, 265, 336,


Vanzetti, Bartolomeo, 327
Varro, 309, 311
Vaughan, Henry, 145, 302
Vedic hymns, 87, 294
Velasquez, Diego, 132
Venus, 137, 144, 205, 258, 297, 321-

2 3
vice, 173-76, 216

Victorians, 63, 134, 156, 249, 328

Vida, Marco Girolamo, Art of Poe
try, 260

Virgil, 63, 96, 99-101, 142, 149, 157,
212, 239, 318, 323, 342; Aeneid,
248, 318-22; Eclogues, 295, 342

Virgin Mary, 152, 191, 205, 284, 323

Voltaire, 230, 309-11; Candide, 231,
308; VIngenu, 232

Wagner, Richard, 189, 196, 203, 266,
274, 283; Parsifal, 189, 283; Tann-
hduser, 152; Tristan, 283; Die Wal-
kure, 152

Waller, Edmund, 252

Walton, Izaak, 310; The Compleat
Angler, 312

"Wanderer, The, 259

Ward, Artemus, 227

Waugh, Evelyn, 48, i73n

Webster, John, 4, 284; The Duchess
ofMalfi, 219-20, 222; The "White
Devil, 216, 220

Wells, H. G., Tono-Eungay, 155

Western story, 43

Weyland, 193

Whitman, Walt, 100-03, 236, 302;
Out of the Cradle, 123-24; When
Lilacs Last, 102

Widsith, 57

Wilberforce, Bishop Samuel, 18

Wilde, Oscar, 25, 48, i73n

Wilder, Thornton, Heaven's My Des
tination, 48

Williams, Charles, 117

Williams, Oscar, 28 in

wit, 276-77, 281, 294, 298, 329

Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 122, 329

Wodehouse, P. G. 173

Woden, 193

Woolf, Virginia, 140; Between the
Acts, 61, 203; Mrs. Dalloway, 41,
179; To the Lighthouse, 92, 206;
The Waves, 234

Wordsworth, William, 5, 39, 60, 61,
85, 94, 124, 154, 225, 257, 271,
296, 298, 299, 301, 306; The Idiot
Boy, 257; Peter Bell, 257;. The
Prelude, 60

Wulfstan, 265, 26 5n

Wyatt, Sir Thomas, 257, 261, 279

Wycherley, William, 176; The Coun
try Wife, 181

Yeats, William Butler, 61-64, 66
93, 102, 103, 124, 125, 145, 202,
208, 2140, 232, 272, 273, 283,
302; The Countess Cathleen, 293;


Leda, 102; Sailing to Byzantium, Zeus, 35, 145, 210, 231, 320

66, 146, 206, 302; The Tower, Zion, 317

122, 206, 302; The Two Trees, Zola, Smile, 49, 80, 92; Germinal,

149; A Vision, 161, 323; The 140

Winding Stair, 206


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